Photo of Lotus Volunteers, people enjoying the Lotus Festival over the last thirty years.

Call For Participants: Lotus@30 Fireside Chat Focus Groups


Click HERE to listen to a WFHB interview with Lotus@30 Team, Jeremy Reed and LuAnne Holladay.

Lotus is inviting you to participate in focus group sessions! This is an opportunity to have your voice heard as Lotus reflects on 30 years of world music and arts, education, and community engagement. We want to hear from as many folks as possible – from veteran 1994-ers to up and coming 2024-ers. During these sessions you will have a chance to help expand our institutional memory, hear from and talk with other Lotus citizens, and hopefully enrich your own sense of the “Lotus experience.”  


The Lotus@30 Fireside Chat Focus Groups details:

  • We have two time options for you to choose from and lots of dates (please click to register to see the date options): Wednesday 3-6pm or Sunday 1-4pm are our time options.
  • Each session will include a short period of getting-to-know one another followed by a sustained 2hr discussion led by Jeremy Reed and, in most cases, LuAnne Holladay
  • These sessions will be recorded (audio only) and transcribed for internal use and analysis 
  • Hosting locations will vary — we will contact each session group with further details


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out! 

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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. wmd1961

    Do you have virtual attendance options? Given that Lotus brings people to Bloomington from all over the world there’s a sizable contingent of Lotus attendees that’s not local.

    1. Web Manager

      Great Question! At this time, we do not. It’s a great idea though!

    2. Katarina Koch

      @wmd1961 We do have virtual options now for those who want to participate remotely. Our project manager can make arrangements directly with anyone interested in that. His contact is

  2. nall gretchen

    Am I missing the date?

    1. Web Manager

      There are lots of dates to choose from if you click “register for a session”. We will add that to the information so that it is more understandable.

    2. Katarina Koch

      @Nall Gretchen
      You can register for either Wednesdays 3-6pm or Sundays 1-4pm

      Each session will include a short period of getting-to-know one another followed by a sustained 2hr discussion led by Jeremy Reed and, in most cases, LuAnne Holladay. These sessions will be recorded (audio only) and transcribed for internal use and analysis.
      If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out:

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