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This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Julia F Allen

    Is there a line up by day?

    1. Web Manager

      Hello Julia,
      We just added it to this post! Thanks for asking!

  2. Jim Mahan

    When can we see a calendar with times as well as dates? Thank you JMM

    1. Web Manager

      Hello Jim,
      We just added it! Thanks for asking 🙂

  3. Linda Handelsman

    Hi, can you also post the Thursday show (times and artists), the Saturday park sets (times and artists) and the Sunday closing concert (times and artists)? If it’s online somewhere, I can’t find it. Thanks!

    1. Web Manager

      Hello Linda,
      Good point! On the Festival overview page, we just posted the Broadsheet 🙂 That will have all of the times and dates!

  4. L Sullivan

    Hello, when and where is Baba Comandant playing?

    1. Web Manager

      Hello Elizabeth,
      Thanks for asking! Baba Comandant is playing Thursday, Sept. 28 at the Buskirk. This is the opening concert. If you head to the Festival Overview page, you will see the Festival Broadsheet. We just got that up there and it has all of the details.

  5. Sandra K Taylor

    Need printable lineup. So we can plan our evenings!

    1. Web Manager

      Hi Sandra,
      That’s a great idea!

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